HTML ASSIGNMENT For Module 1: ¦> 1.Take this whole doc, CODING_ASSIGNMENTS.TXT, and not excluding anything, and render this whole document as an HTML document. NOTE: Do not concern yourself with how it looks. Do not try to make it look like the text does in a text editor - as long as all the text renders rough it is ok. 2. Add the line of text "This is my comment" in your first web page. A. Render the HTML doc as module1.html on your website and submit the link to the Canvas dropbox. ========================================================= <¦ HTML ASSIGNMENT For Module 2: ¦>> A. Take the doc module1.html and rename a copy as module2.html and do the following with the doc. 1. Put everything between the two ¦>> and <<¦ arrow-blocks in an HTML comment 2. Below is a poem by Diana Ferrus. Please put in the line breaks for the whole poem. 3. Make the title a header. You decide which level of header you want to use (between 1-6). 4. Use the paragraph tag to render the biography below the poem and use a header tag (Choose between 1-6) for the word 'biography' 5. Render 'For Module 1' through 'For Module 5' as headers with line breaks before and after each 6. Italicize every word in the poem you do not recognize as an English word and in the biography, bold every title in quotes. 7. Activate the URL for the poem a line and let it open to repace the page 8. Activate the URL for the biography a line that opens in another tab 9. Render the list of poets as an ordered list 10. Now copy this same list and render it as an unordered list as well. C. Render the HTML doc as module2.html on your website and submit the link to the Canvas dropbox. ========================================================= <<¦ HTML ASSIGNMENT For Module 3: ¦>>> A. Take the doc module2.html and rename it module3.html and do the following with the doc. 1. Put everything between the two ¦>>> and <<<¦ arrow-blocks in an HTML comment 2. Place the image of Diana before her biography. You can find it here: 3. Download the video Open Access.mp4 from and upload it to your website and render the video on this webpage. 4. Download the audio of South African singer, Zandile Mzazi, from and upload it to your website and render the audio on this webpage. Note: you are welcome to render a video and an audio of your choice. These options are for those without an alternative choice. B. Render the HTML doc as module3.html on your website and submit the link to the Canvas dropbox. ========================================================= <<<¦ HTML ASSIGNMENT For Module 4: ¦>>>> A. Take the doc module3.html and rename it module4.html and do the following with the doc. 1. Put everything between the two ¦>>>> and <<<<¦ arrow-blocks in an HTML comment 2. Download the picture TABLE.PNG of the table from or 3. You will use this image to help you create an approximate table... 4. Practice creating a table with the following steps. a. Create a table of 4 x 4 cells b. Learn how to merge two cells in a row, then merge three cells in a row as in the example. c. Learn how to merge two cells in a column, then merge three cells in a column as in the example. d. Learn how to assign color, and then assign color to each cell (background) and render it in the HTML docment. Use colors of your own choosing. B. Render the HTML doc as module4.html on your website and submit the link to the Canvas dropbox. ========================================================= <<<<¦ HTML ASSIGNMENT For Module 5: ¦>>>>> A. Take the doc module4.html and rename it module5.html and do the following with the doc. 1. Put everything between the two ¦>>>>> and <<<<<¦ arrow-blocks in an HTML comment 2. Please reference the website to do this assignment 3. Create a table 4 rows by 3 columns 4. Each column will have a character, so you will render only three characters, viz. Capital A Circumflex, Capital E circumflex, and Capital O circumflex. 5. In Row 1 you will place the HTML Decimal. 6. In Row 2 you will place the Hexadecimal Code of the same character, and 7. In Row 3 you will place the HTML Entity and lastly 8. In Row 4 you will add the decsciption. 9. Based on your research about accessibility augment your webpage to improve accessibility and state in your paper what changes you made to module5.html B. Render the HTML doc as module5.html on your website and submit the link to the Canvas dropbox. ========================================================= <<<<<¦ Title: For Sara Baartman I've come to take you home -- home, remember the veld? the lush green grass beneath the big oak trees the air is cool there and the sun does not burn. I have made your bed at the foot of the hill, your blankets are covered in buchu and mint, the proteas stand in yellow and white and the water in the stream chuckle sing-songs as it hobbles along over little stones. I have come to wretch you away - away from the poking eyes of the man-made monster who lives in the dark with his clutches of imperialism who dissects your body bit by bit who likens your soul to that of Satan and declares himself the ultimate god! I have come to soothe your heavy heart I offer my bosom to your weary soul I will cover your face with the palms of my hands I will run my lips over lines in your neck I will feast my eyes on the beauty of you and I will sing for you for I have come to bring you peace. I have come to take you home where the ancient mountains shout your name. I have made your bed at the foot of the hill, your blankets are covered in buchu and mint, the proteas stand in yellow and white - I have come to take you home where I will sing for you, for you have brought me peace. you have brought us peace. Source: --------------------------------- Biography Born in Worcester on the 29 August, 1953, the third born of six children and the daughter of Ann and Jacobus Ferrus. Worcester is a town +- 100 km from Cape Town, well known for its vineyards and wine. Completed BA degree with Industrial Psychology and Sociology as majors in 1993. Started BA Honours (Women's and Gender Studies) in 1997 and completed in 1999. Currently completing Masters in Women's and Gender Studies. Thesis topic: "Black Afrikaans women writers: the joy and frustration of the writing process" Diana belongs to a women's writers group called WEAVE (Women's Education & Artistic Voice Expression) and in 2002 their book ink@boilingpoint was published. Her short story, "Sarah will be home, a story of restoration" and her poem, "I've come to take you home", a tribute to Sarah Baartman is included. Diana Ferrus writes in both English and Afrikaans. She is also a founder member of "Bush Poets", an all women poet group from the University of the Western Cape. "Bush" was the derogatory name given to the institution in the early sixties. Diana proudly adds: "We coined the term!" Founder member of the Afrikaans Writers Association (Afrikaanse Skrywersvereniging). Founder member of women's writers association, "Women in X-chains". Source: -------------------------------- Afrikaans Poets: Antje Krog Eitemal Floris Brown Ingrid Jonker Leonard Koza Wilma Stockenström --------------------------------